MY STALKER, MATTHEW BERDYCK -- AND HIS ROOMMATE, GOOGLE PROGRAMMER ALEX -- HAVE MALICIOUSLY DELETED MY USUAL GOOGLE LISTING FOR MY REGULAR LinkedIn Professional Profile, Updated for 2015. Photos are in the original Profile, which is right where it should be -- on LinkedIn! You can also type Marjorie Bard, Ph.D. LinkedIn Profile into Google Search and the ENTIRE PROFILE will appear. This "substitute" is due to Berdyck's Internet Abuse
Bard, Ph.D. : LinkedIn PROFILE 500+
CEO Women Organized
Against Homelessness 501(c)3; Author; Filmmaker; Survivor: DV/Stalker
Saint Michaels, Maryland
Human Resources
current experience
1. The Undetectable Homeless,
2. Eco-Logical Self-Sufficiency Living,
3. Women Organized Against Homelessness
Bard Productions (A
1. University of California, Los Angeles
Extensive personal, fieldwork, and
academic experience has provided intimate knowledge of domestic abuse,
homelessness, and a vicious stalker. The undetectable homeless live anonymously
and by self-sufficiency. They live in/out of RVs, vans, trucks, boats, etc. --
an alternative lifestyle from traditional housing, but is a "nest"
which is theirs for living anywhere.
Those who lose jobs and homes often
choose to live an alternative lifestyle by living full-time in RVs, converted
vans, trucks, station wagons, SUVs, and rehabbed boats/barges/tugboats. They
create their own businesses and become self-sufficient. WOAH assists the
undetectable homeless to find strategies for remaining anonymous while
increasing survival tactics whether rural or urban, "off of the
grid," or by disability. Most vehicle full-timers remain in the area in
which they have been living or travel for employment or private purposes. Some
use alternative housing for months and others for years as they become familiar
with a routine or circuit (e.g., flea markets, antiques shows, and craft
faires) and like the freedom that would not be available if the government
became in charge of their lives.
Self- Sufficiency Eco-Village Creator
Eco-Logical Self-Sufficiency Lifestyle
Sadly, I have to report that my 1st self-sufficiency
community has been dismantled due to the threats of a consistent
cyberbully/stalker/criminal. He brags he found the small farming community,
told a county government agency to look into the property owner's taxes, rights
to allow others to utilize land that had not been in farming production, and my
association with the establishment of the community. The property owner
panicked and told the small group to leave. The last I heard, members were
packing-up and getting ready to return to full-time vehicle living "on the
Naturally, they didn't know the circumstances of why they were told to leave immediately, so the community members had no one to blame but me, and I've only heard from two who wanted to know why I did this unthinkable deed. I hope to hear from them all so I can explain about the bully/stalker and the threats that led to their fate.
This atrocious use of the internet and active stalking to harm innocent people has led to my own direction re writing and crime victim advocacy. I am now part of a team of professional PIs. Mainly, I am doing legal research and investigating bullying/stalking/terrorizing activities. I am already writing a new book on adults who ruin others' lives by these methods. I welcome any personal stories to add. I have never used any real names or actual locations in my books and films...unless a waiver has been signed by the interviewee.
Naturally, they didn't know the circumstances of why they were told to leave immediately, so the community members had no one to blame but me, and I've only heard from two who wanted to know why I did this unthinkable deed. I hope to hear from them all so I can explain about the bully/stalker and the threats that led to their fate.
This atrocious use of the internet and active stalking to harm innocent people has led to my own direction re writing and crime victim advocacy. I am now part of a team of professional PIs. Mainly, I am doing legal research and investigating bullying/stalking/terrorizing activities. I am already writing a new book on adults who ruin others' lives by these methods. I welcome any personal stories to add. I have never used any real names or actual locations in my books and films...unless a waiver has been signed by the interviewee.
Personal Experience, Fieldwork, and Academe
Women Organized Against
Dedicated to assisting the UNdetectable
homeless who live in urban/suburban areas out of clean/uncluttered vehicles, or
in isolated rural areas, many in rehabbed boats. They are self-sufficient
individuals who create their own businesses and currently are forming tiny
communities for growing organic foods for themselves and commerce, raising
chickens and other animals for eggs and wool/hair (clothing and woven items),
and assisting others to become self-sufficient. There is no need for any stable
homeless person to be completely dependent on the government for subsistence or
turn to "mission" areas in cities for a life that was never
appropriate for them as previous home owners/renters and community activists.
Many of my interviewees were "housewives" who experienced domestic
abuse and escaped to safety but had no money of their own. I have helped to
find small old RVs for them, and they have used their homemaking skills to
become chefs, party planners/caterers, child care professionals, artists, home
cleaners, school teacher aides, house repairwomen, diner workers who eventually
become part owners, etc. Some rural women who have lost everything have become
self-sufficient by creating businesses related to hunting -- cleaning skins for
sale and creating homemade clothing from skins.
I created three tiny new Green self-sufficiency farming villages in the Northeast. (I receive NO money from the members/communities.) A cyber-and physically-active villain acted to destroy one. It was succeeding as an eco-village for the stable homeless. I fear for the others.
My stalker is more aggressive than ever with diminishing self-control, using the internet to tell outrageous lies (libel) and seeking to destroy my life to prove I am the "fraud" he says I am. He insists I do not exist -- and then insists I do but have stolen the EIN# of someone else's nonprofit org and am soliciting money for myself. The FBI-ic3 has a file on him.
Rural and Urban Health Care: A Disturbing
and Urban Health Care
Discussion is needed regarding rural vs. urban health care.
Rural health is under scrutiny as Family Practice physicians cannot provide the
necessary care which leads, especially in elders and the disabled, to
depression, suicide, and early (unnecessary) deaths. State Medical Boards often
refuse to sanction rural M.D.s when abuse is reported since fewer physicians
desire to remain permanently in isolated rural areas. State politicians ignore
complaints, stating that it is always some other elected or appointed
official's duty. There is little published about this topic, and as rural
sprawl increases, statistics show that more serious illnesses and deaths occur
in rural areas than urban ones from lack of M.D. specialties available. While
HealthCare Centers may be established, there may be no accountability for
quality care for all.
Legal, Acacemic, Health,
& Stalker Research
At Large
B.A., B.S., M.A., M.A., Ph.D. (UCLA), and post graduate work.
Research-accomplished in law, grant-writing, org. management,
healthcare/disabilities; stalking/crime victim advocacy.
I am a professional interviewer, writer, magazine publisher/editor, and copywriter.
I am a professional interviewer, writer, magazine publisher/editor, and copywriter.
Books, Docs, & Screenplays
Bard Productions (A Collection)
BOOKS: I am probably best known as the founder of Women Organized
Against Homelessness: a nonprofit 501(c)3, with books and e-docs regarding
domestic abuse and the undetectable homeless. Shadow Women: Homeless Women's
Survival Stories (Sheed&Ward,1990) became a film. Organizational and
Community Responses to Domestic Abuse and Homelessness (Garland, 1994) points
to public responses. The Effects of Self and Multiple-Audience Feedback on
Victim-Plaintiff Narrative Performance as Courtroom Testimony (Nos Colimus,
1995) focuses on legal analyses. I write cultural mystery novels for
"pleasure," under a pen name. Also, three children's mystery
stories/books were written/published when I was homeless in the '70s, sold on a
card table in front of grocery stores.
DOCs: I have filmed at least 6 feature length documentaries: a cross-country trip (from West Coast to East Coast) searching for abandoned and dying small towns to recast for homeless people; 3 docs of interviews with the undetectable homeless in many states over 38 years; town council meetings in several states in which councils and residents disagreed, e.g., "changing the town's focus to tourism by paving over sensitive parts of a harbor for a parking lot"; historic villages based on self-sufficiency; and ecological destruction of areas for housing developments. I have also filmed documentaries which are in UCLA Archives: the Santa Monica Public Workshops for restoring the Pier and carousel, and tiny towns I intended to buy for creating artists' and writers' communities for homeless professionals. I created and filmed museum exhibits of ethnic origins.
SCREENPLAYS: I have been writing screenplays for many years, been ghostwriter for others' stories, and have used my own plots and characters for movies and TV series "in season" and pilots.
DOCs: I have filmed at least 6 feature length documentaries: a cross-country trip (from West Coast to East Coast) searching for abandoned and dying small towns to recast for homeless people; 3 docs of interviews with the undetectable homeless in many states over 38 years; town council meetings in several states in which councils and residents disagreed, e.g., "changing the town's focus to tourism by paving over sensitive parts of a harbor for a parking lot"; historic villages based on self-sufficiency; and ecological destruction of areas for housing developments. I have also filmed documentaries which are in UCLA Archives: the Santa Monica Public Workshops for restoring the Pier and carousel, and tiny towns I intended to buy for creating artists' and writers' communities for homeless professionals. I created and filmed museum exhibits of ethnic origins.
SCREENPLAYS: I have been writing screenplays for many years, been ghostwriter for others' stories, and have used my own plots and characters for movies and TV series "in season" and pilots.
A Stalker's Dialogue and Diary
(Working Title: Editing. Contract
Description: The "voices" of the stalker-in-dialogue, the
stalker's inner thoughts and diary, victims' responses, a narrator, and laws defined.
Some foreign words/phrases are included. My publisher's editor and I are trying
to decide how all of the voices will be utilized in print -- such as fonts,
italics, bold, underlined, etc.
The Boondocker Gourmand (Gourmet Recipes for
Full-Time Homeless RV/Vehicle Dwellers.)
Description; The undetectable homeless who travel full-time; find free places to park, rest, and cook. This book is a collection of 40 years of personal experience cooking methods and the recipes of other "gourmet chefs." (A limited edition published by FoodieFredOnWheels)
Domestic Abuse and the Homeless Woman: Paradigms in
Personal Narratives for Organizational Strategists and Community Planners
U.M.I. Ann Arbor, MI
publication date 1988
Shadow Women: Homeless Women's Survival Stories
Sheed & Ward Publishing Co.
publication date1990
Organizational and Community Responses to Domestic
Abuse and Homelessness
Garland Publishing Co.
publication date1994
The Effects of Self and Multiple-Audience Feedback
on Victim-Plaintiff Narrative Performance as Courtroom Testimony.
Nos Colimus Publishing Co.
publication date1995
Description: Analyses of courtroom performances and testimonies (for
attorneys, jury selection, and storytelling performance experts)
The New American Nomads: When your Home May
Not Be a House and Diverse Employment Feeds One Enterprise.
The Working Title. Editing and adding
updated material. Contract signed.
publication date 2015
DescriptionThe new nomadic lifestyle due to the need for income
security and the freedom to choose multiple employment opportunities. A
discussion of the differentiation between Nomads,Travelers, Gypsies, and Hobos
as noted in history and modern day economics.
Small Towns, Family Farms, and the Environment: How
to Foil the Spoilers (Partnering Landowners, the Unemployed and Homeless for
Eco-logical Sustainability)
The Working Title. Adding updated
material. Contract signed.
publication date2015
Description: A plan to utilize partnerships which
have not been used successfully to increase affordable housing and self-and-co
op employment while decreasing developers' use of land for building housing
communities which are not affordable. A discussion of "Smart Growth"
which never reached its potential and the path to foiling the spoilers.
A Coin on the Bugeye
Limited edition published by a
Chesapeake Bay enthusiast
publication date2013
DescriptionA modern 10-year-old St. Michaels, MD boy has an
"adventure" with an 1800s Oyster Boat lad. A Fantasy based on the
lives of watermen on the Chesapeake Bay, based on historical fact (towns and
the first oystering boat, the Bugeye.)
"Cultural Mystery Novels." Under
a pen name.
have written cultural mystery novels since 1967 under a pen name. My newest one
is ready to be published -- but I keep adding new material based on the
culture's newly-discovered traditions/history.
Due to the stalker/terrorist experience I have endured
since May, 2013, I have written a new book about adult bullies who stalk by
telephone, internet, emails, and in person -- and write their thoughts and
deeds in blogs which are actually diaries of personal problems and intentions
which may be publicly dangerous. My stalker began on LinkedIn with threats of
"slit your throat" if I...
4 team members
Marjorie Bard, Ph.D.
CEO Women Organized Against
Homelessness 501c(3); Author; Filmmaker; Survivor: DV/Stalker
The crew at
Research & Private Investigations LLC
An actress who
wishes anonymity; she has a stalker
Dr. Phillip J.
Multimedia Artist
have been in juried art shows for 40 years.Need abandoned and tiny dying towns for sale:
Contact Information: