Sunday, June 2, 2013
Berdyck/Kane/Smith is Criminal Cyber Stalker
Matthew Alan Berdyck
Criminal Records in Ohio and WV
Matt Kane's name is really Matthew
Alan Berdyck, Ohio and WV Criminal and Family Court Records for Violating an Emergency
Domestic Violence Protective Order (with the intent to harm), Stalking, and Threatening Behavior in Public.
Matt Berdyck (aka Kane/Smith/etc.) denies the facts found in court records, but they can easily be checked. Do not believe his lies that he is a mild-mannered victim of bullying by others. Matt is the bully -- baiting, accusing, warning, and threatening people for "revenge" since he is not the famous person he purports to be. His self-aggrandizement is legendary -- active on the internet since 2009.
ON THIS BLOG, MATT HAS DELETED ALMOST ALL OF HIS COMMENTS AS EM KAY, MATTHEW KANE, JIM BOB, SPARKY JOHNSON, and ALEX JONES. He has used many other akas in his stalking career. His “signature” here is just the Blogger logo. I screencapped
all of his comments before he deleted them and they will be used in court.
NOTE: most of the comments here are by 2 of Matt's longtime victims who know his history, family, and "acquaintances."
if you were beat hard enough by the cops to break your back, the conviction
wouldn't happen. Nice try. If your back were broken and you were beaten so
severely, the charges would have been vacated. You're making shit up.
Joke's on you though, I know what really happened :)
Joke's on you though, I know what really happened :)

thought that a car accident completely legally disabled him, or was it his
bi-polar, or was it that he had someone in his family who knew how to get a
lazy cunt who had no intention of ever working an SSDI pension?
There is nothing in the Akron, Ohio police IA files about any of their officers assaulting Matthew A Berdyck. I checked. There's a motherfucker of a rap sheet with the force about the same man, though.
There is nothing in the Akron, Ohio police IA files about any of their officers assaulting Matthew A Berdyck. I checked. There's a motherfucker of a rap sheet with the force about the same man, though.

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was leied no fines or fees because of the circumstances,"
This would be an INTERNAL AFFAIRS DECISION, you fucking halfwit.
Daddy didn't beat you either, mommy dearest said so.
Keep talking Matty B, nothing shows your dumbfuckery or reeks of bullshit quite as much as your own words.
I'd be careful going home, too, if I were you. All of your accusations against the local sops, in your own words, have been diligently captured and sent to them.
This would be an INTERNAL AFFAIRS DECISION, you fucking halfwit.
Daddy didn't beat you either, mommy dearest said so.
Keep talking Matty B, nothing shows your dumbfuckery or reeks of bullshit quite as much as your own words.
I'd be careful going home, too, if I were you. All of your accusations against the local sops, in your own words, have been diligently captured and sent to them.

that the cyber criminal Matthew Berdyck has posted from FIVE different accounts
on this page while his detractors have posted from one a piece.
He's just too stupid to realize how bad that makes him look. Kinda like him failing to realize that admitting to harassing men as well as women is not a good defense.
Fucking idiot.
He's just too stupid to realize how bad that makes him look. Kinda like him failing to realize that admitting to harassing men as well as women is not a good defense.
Fucking idiot.

funny because I'm NOT A JOURNALIST. Never have been, and never was. And I
wasn't fired from Being Liberal, I quit working for Addicting Info because I'm
NOT a raging liberal, and I had to move and couldn't get the internets at my
house for a month. I took a hiatus, then decided not to come back.
I still write for some of the local papers here though, and a few magazines, and have actually been published, and not just by ME. You should know that though, what with your amazing googlefu.
Regardless, I AM NOT A JOURNALIST. I'm a scientist, there's a difference, dumbass.
I still write for some of the local papers here though, and a few magazines, and have actually been published, and not just by ME. You should know that though, what with your amazing googlefu.
Regardless, I AM NOT A JOURNALIST. I'm a scientist, there's a difference, dumbass.

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The Marshal told you that. I believe you. Especially since I've never been in
jail in New York, and I don't exist. Haven't your intellius reports told you
that? If I'd ever been arrested, don't you think an arrest record'd pop up when
you dropped $50 looking for me? Why don't you post what you find?
As for Matt being a nazi---you realize I'm Jewish, right? And not white? How does that even make any goddamn sense?
You're in Cali right? You do realize that is a two party consent state? And that to record a conversation, you need consent from BOTH parties, or that's wire tapping?
And I doubt Larry'd have said that, seeing as he bought his smokes from me at the gas station...and I wrote for the paper he reads every morning...But I'll go ahead and give Anna a call and ask her, she'll know!
As for Matt being a nazi---you realize I'm Jewish, right? And not white? How does that even make any goddamn sense?
You're in Cali right? You do realize that is a two party consent state? And that to record a conversation, you need consent from BOTH parties, or that's wire tapping?
And I doubt Larry'd have said that, seeing as he bought his smokes from me at the gas station...and I wrote for the paper he reads every morning...But I'll go ahead and give Anna a call and ask her, she'll know!

for shits and giggles, I looked myself up on the NY courts records system:
Nice try.
Nice try.

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of my children have to live with your word smearing their family name."
Neither of your children bear your name. According to the records of the county where your daughter was born you're not even listed on the Birth Certificate as her father and according to the length of time that the restraining order was issued for unless you've sat in disguise in some park like the fucking creeper that you are you've never seen your daughter. Your access to your son was retracted because you threatened to commit suicide over a girl like some dumbfuck teenager while your son was in your care.
You're so pathetic I can't even find humor in your stupidity, anymore.
Neither of your children bear your name. According to the records of the county where your daughter was born you're not even listed on the Birth Certificate as her father and according to the length of time that the restraining order was issued for unless you've sat in disguise in some park like the fucking creeper that you are you've never seen your daughter. Your access to your son was retracted because you threatened to commit suicide over a girl like some dumbfuck teenager while your son was in your care.
You're so pathetic I can't even find humor in your stupidity, anymore.

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if you make such a pamphlet that has any lies at all, the police in that town
will arrest you for passing "abusive, libelous, and perhaps
terrorist" literature. Your unemployment? I haven't known you since 2
months ago, and you have always been "unemployed." All of the
"jobs" you say you have had in the movie industry are questioned by
everyone in the film industry!
You can't blame me for your homelessness and that I "hurt homeless people" since I have 40 years of proof that I have been helping them, not hurting them. You are playing a very dangerous game, and you will be the loser. From town to town, if the pamphlets are seen, the police will track you easily. In fact, I think it's the best way to get you arrested and charged. Then you will have to prove to a court that I have "hurt homeless people...and you!"
Why did you start all of this by sending me filthy emails and then taking it to the internet? It's very obvious that you began this because I am the latest victim. You don't go after men, do you? Just vulnerable women. Get some mental health care!
You can't blame me for your homelessness and that I "hurt homeless people" since I have 40 years of proof that I have been helping them, not hurting them. You are playing a very dangerous game, and you will be the loser. From town to town, if the pamphlets are seen, the police will track you easily. In fact, I think it's the best way to get you arrested and charged. Then you will have to prove to a court that I have "hurt homeless people...and you!"
Why did you start all of this by sending me filthy emails and then taking it to the internet? It's very obvious that you began this because I am the latest victim. You don't go after men, do you? Just vulnerable women. Get some mental health care!

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Sparky's mother requested that Doctor Bard not contact her? Because if she
didn't then Doctor Bard didn't harass her.

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you seriously that fucking stupid? You do realize Jerry Chevalier is a police
officer with Sarnia PD and NOT les right? I mean, how fucking dumb do you have
to be?

never acknowledged my existence because he's terrified of me.
I've been you, PJ Ross and now I'm Jerry Chevalier.
Doesn't bother me in the least. On the other hand, if someone were to confuse me with a useless cunt like Matty B I might get a little offended.
I've been you, PJ Ross and now I'm Jerry Chevalier.
Doesn't bother me in the least. On the other hand, if someone were to confuse me with a useless cunt like Matty B I might get a little offended.

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so Jerry being a cop means you harassing all these people isn't illegal? I fail
to follow that logic.
And it is spelled Paedophilia EVERYWHERE except in the United States, but you know that right?
And I stole photos of someone's child? Really? Because the only photos I have are of the brat that is climbing up my couch right now...
And you can call me a bad woman til you're blue in the face. I figure if an arsehole hates you, you're doing SOMETHING right.
How about you go waste more time getting the shit beat out of you by little girls and filming it and leave the internet alone okay?
And it is spelled Paedophilia EVERYWHERE except in the United States, but you know that right?
And I stole photos of someone's child? Really? Because the only photos I have are of the brat that is climbing up my couch right now...
And you can call me a bad woman til you're blue in the face. I figure if an arsehole hates you, you're doing SOMETHING right.
How about you go waste more time getting the shit beat out of you by little girls and filming it and leave the internet alone okay?

am going to go do just that. Today I am saving a copy of this site, I am
leaving to begin filming Blame Reagan II, and not logging back on until I am
finished. Bye "dain bramage."

the best you can come up with is "You have brain damage hahahaha!" I
mean, really, for someone who advocates for rights for the disabled, you're
doing a piss poor job of it, what with using someone's disability as an insult.
The sad part is, even brain damaged, I *still* have more credibility and clout
than you do, because I'm honest.
And you should check out my new blog post:
The more you harass people, the more that goes up.
And you should check out my new blog post:
The more you harass people, the more that goes up.

Chevaliar likely doesn't care about a chicken shit who spammed his brother's
Facebook page for an hour and then disappeared like the coward that he is. The
man deals with real criminal masterminds on the daily, a dumb shit like you he
would probably let off with a small fine because he serves and protects the
public and that service and protection doesn't include bothering with mentally
challenged morons.
I spent a few hours with the man at a funeral a week or so ago and your name didn't come up once.
I'm also gonna guess he doesn't care enough about you to have written you 22 messages, but I have screencapped your claims that he has, and your claims that he claims to be me, just in case he ever becomes interested in you, which he won't.
I've also joined the long line of people who just don't care about you, a line that contains your FAMILY, including mommy dearest.
You're a piece of shit that no one cares about Matthew, and that's not going to change.
The only thing people care about is your crimes of libel and slander, telecommunications harassment and violence against women and children, further evidence that you're POS that is not worth caring about, your existence is incidental to those crimes, at best.
I spent a few hours with the man at a funeral a week or so ago and your name didn't come up once.
I'm also gonna guess he doesn't care enough about you to have written you 22 messages, but I have screencapped your claims that he has, and your claims that he claims to be me, just in case he ever becomes interested in you, which he won't.
I've also joined the long line of people who just don't care about you, a line that contains your FAMILY, including mommy dearest.
You're a piece of shit that no one cares about Matthew, and that's not going to change.
The only thing people care about is your crimes of libel and slander, telecommunications harassment and violence against women and children, further evidence that you're POS that is not worth caring about, your existence is incidental to those crimes, at best.

I'm with you. This guy's so pathetic that I can't even be arsed to care. He can make as many movies as he likes, film the internet til he's blue in the face. It doesn't matter to me, but when he starts coming after people, even complete strangers I don't know, I'm going to take note. He does more to damage his own credibility than I ever could, even if I cared enough to try.
I'm with you. This guy's so pathetic that I can't even be arsed to care. He can make as many movies as he likes, film the internet til he's blue in the face. It doesn't matter to me, but when he starts coming after people, even complete strangers I don't know, I'm going to take note. He does more to damage his own credibility than I ever could, even if I cared enough to try.

and I do mean IF Jerry is a police officer then his presence in all of this and
messages in my inbox show that I am not committing crimes. If I were why
doesn't he just charge me?"
In Matthew's world the police make a case and try and convict it in an hour because he saw it on TV. How does he know that Jerry Chevaliar doesn't intend to charge him? Maybe that's the reason why JC doesn't say jack shit about Matthew to me when I see him? Who knows?
I mean, you gotta admit it's kinda weird. The only reason I'm even in contact with the dude is because of Matthew's bullshit yet the handful of times that I've seen or talked to him since Matthew decided that I was JC back in March he has literally said NOTHING to me about Matty B other than to thank me for sharing my paperwork with him.
His brother has told me the odd thing here and there and the two Lee Ann's have said a few things to each other but Jerry hasn't said SFA to me about it.
In Matthew's world the police make a case and try and convict it in an hour because he saw it on TV. How does he know that Jerry Chevaliar doesn't intend to charge him? Maybe that's the reason why JC doesn't say jack shit about Matthew to me when I see him? Who knows?
I mean, you gotta admit it's kinda weird. The only reason I'm even in contact with the dude is because of Matthew's bullshit yet the handful of times that I've seen or talked to him since Matthew decided that I was JC back in March he has literally said NOTHING to me about Matty B other than to thank me for sharing my paperwork with him.
His brother has told me the odd thing here and there and the two Lee Ann's have said a few things to each other but Jerry hasn't said SFA to me about it.
The truth about Marjorie Bard "PhD" She is a liar and a cyber bully.
The truth about Marjorie Bard "PhD" She is a liar and a cyber bully.

a new Cyber name for Matt Kane, aka Matthew A. Berdyck. Now it's
"paypack" instead of "payback." But the problem remains:
Matt started privately emailing me from LinkedIn about 2 months ago and then
went on to try to ruin my personal and professional reputation on the internet.
I did NOT begin this interchange; Matt wanted this to become an attack on me
for making him homeless and unable to get his short films distributed. He has
been trying to do that for years now.
I waited a month to respond on the internet. I was told he was threatening me, and anyone would respond. I had hoped, like all of his victims, that he would just "go away" and bother others, as has been his MO. But, no. He has found another vulnerable woman, this one old enough to be his grandmother! Why? He's afraid to enter combat with males whom he knows will REALLY make his life much worse than I can. All I can do is state the facts and print out his private emails onto the internet. I will do that if he doesn't seek mental health care...which he has been refusing to do for his entire life.
If any of his victims are lawyers or paralegals, please try to tell him that he is committing libel by assassinating my character: a felony. I haven't told ONE lie, but Matt just keeps on lying about his victims as usual. He has to be stopped. And he can't blame anyone but himself for his long years of verbal and physical abuse.
I waited a month to respond on the internet. I was told he was threatening me, and anyone would respond. I had hoped, like all of his victims, that he would just "go away" and bother others, as has been his MO. But, no. He has found another vulnerable woman, this one old enough to be his grandmother! Why? He's afraid to enter combat with males whom he knows will REALLY make his life much worse than I can. All I can do is state the facts and print out his private emails onto the internet. I will do that if he doesn't seek mental health care...which he has been refusing to do for his entire life.
If any of his victims are lawyers or paralegals, please try to tell him that he is committing libel by assassinating my character: a felony. I haven't told ONE lie, but Matt just keeps on lying about his victims as usual. He has to be stopped. And he can't blame anyone but himself for his long years of verbal and physical abuse.

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I am goign to the police. My mother has gone to the police. More people are
going to the police about the people who gave you your "information."
I have been waiting for Blame Reagan 2 to invlove the authorities because I
wanted to be able to film the process from the start from arrest to trial. ALL
of you are going down now.

cracks me up. No one says anything about you for weeks and suddenly bored with
the quiet you start picking on people again. Why not just fuck off and leave
everyone alone?

everyone supposed to be in the first Blame Reagan movie? In fact, weren't you
suppose to have your OWN movie, Brokenhead.
I wonder how Matty B's mom feels about him listing her private cell phone number on the internet?
I wonder how Matty B's mom feels about him listing her private cell phone number on the internet?

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I have a shrine to you? Wow. Where?

understood that? Your Matty B reading comprehension trumps mine.

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you're profiting off of harassing us, good to know, fuckwad.

girl trying to think big thoughts but they just flutter away. The person who
funded me personally witnessed you, Jerry, and Lee Ann attacking me on Reddit,
on my Facebook, and in my e-mail box all at the same time.
Then, they handed me $3000 just to spite you. You know why? Because fuck you that's why.
Then, they handed me $3000 just to spite you. You know why? Because fuck you that's why.

someone handed you $3000 to spite someone wouldn't they have informed the
people that they're trying to spite?

week it was only $1000...and weren't you permabanned from reddit?

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was it 1000, 2000, or 3000 dollars?
My accounts show a running total, too, even if sundries haven't cleared, meaning you could have put that amount on, yourself, only to have it rejected when the funds are found to be NSF by way of the envelope that you deposited through the machine being as empty as your pockets are midmonth, this is all besides the fact that your ebegging has never impressed us, of course.
And again, if this was done by someone to "spite us", for whatever reason, why aren't they informing us about it?
For all the evidence that the reader may need that this is likely bullshit read the post on Ayla's blog called
"Cut and Paste with Matty B".
Me, I don't have to put money on a prepaid money pack card. Having never passed bad checks and having credit in the highest percentile banks give me credit, that I don't use, that I can pay back on the monthly.
So much for dumbshit just going away to make his "movie" and not posting, anymore.
My accounts show a running total, too, even if sundries haven't cleared, meaning you could have put that amount on, yourself, only to have it rejected when the funds are found to be NSF by way of the envelope that you deposited through the machine being as empty as your pockets are midmonth, this is all besides the fact that your ebegging has never impressed us, of course.
And again, if this was done by someone to "spite us", for whatever reason, why aren't they informing us about it?
For all the evidence that the reader may need that this is likely bullshit read the post on Ayla's blog called
"Cut and Paste with Matty B".
Me, I don't have to put money on a prepaid money pack card. Having never passed bad checks and having credit in the highest percentile banks give me credit, that I don't use, that I can pay back on the monthly.
So much for dumbshit just going away to make his "movie" and not posting, anymore.

doesn't a "goal" of $1000 make it seem as though Walmart wants Matty
B to pay his outstanding balance down to a reasonable amount?
I'm not saying that I know for sure that that's the case, like I said I don't tend to use the credit that I have so I'm not real familiar with how shit works, but why would a prepaid card have a "goal" of any kind?
I'm not saying that I know for sure that that's the case, like I said I don't tend to use the credit that I have so I'm not real familiar with how shit works, but why would a prepaid card have a "goal" of any kind?

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never been on Reddit.
I have, however, been sent almost every thread that culminated in you being banned.
Like I said, I don't know how a MoneyPak card works, I don't use them. I'm certainly not going to take your word about it when you explain it to me in a paragraph where you claim to have a good credit when your accessible to anyone who's business affords services on credit credit report says otherwise.
Matthew A. Berdyck of Akron Ohio passing bad checks:
Yes Matthew, there are many people who break the law by passing bad checks. You happen to be one of them. I'm not.
I have, however, been sent almost every thread that culminated in you being banned.
Like I said, I don't know how a MoneyPak card works, I don't use them. I'm certainly not going to take your word about it when you explain it to me in a paragraph where you claim to have a good credit when your accessible to anyone who's business affords services on credit credit report says otherwise.
Matthew A. Berdyck of Akron Ohio passing bad checks:
Yes Matthew, there are many people who break the law by passing bad checks. You happen to be one of them. I'm not.

the paperwork that Ayla has posted identifies no one but you, once again YOU
are the one to identify people online.

just remembered, I have footage saved of Matty B crying about how a motel clerk
won't rent him a motel room without a $300 deposit because HE DOESN'T HAVE A
It's just way too easy to disprove this fools lies.
It's just way too easy to disprove this fools lies.

really hope that Matthew has reported that $3000 to SSI.

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least I've actually met my daughter...See, I didn't beat my pregnant wife and
then spend a year in jail for stalking her.
Oh I'm sorry, you just spit on her, so we should all feel sorry for you, right?
Yeah, good luck with that. Besides, I'm not the one breaking the are, you've even admitted to it!
Oh I'm sorry, you just spit on her, so we should all feel sorry for you, right?
Yeah, good luck with that. Besides, I'm not the one breaking the are, you've even admitted to it!

didn't you just say that charge was because walmart was going after people who
overdrew their account? What was it? You wrote a bad cheque, or you're the
victim of big ol' mean ol' walmart?
You can't even keep your story straight HERE. How is anyone going to take you seriously?
You can't even keep your story straight HERE. How is anyone going to take you seriously?

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got an arrest record and paperwork that says otherwise. You know, it actually
says you violated a domestic violence protective order. Did the state of west
virginia and officer weaver make it up too?
Shall I post the paperwork regarding your jail time and fines too? The plea agreement you accepted? Gimme a couple minutes, I'd be happy to show you that.
As for crimes, you've already admitted to wire tapping and criminal harassment, which you've admittedly profited from... for the paperwork, I'll post some more later today.
Shall I post the paperwork regarding your jail time and fines too? The plea agreement you accepted? Gimme a couple minutes, I'd be happy to show you that.
As for crimes, you've already admitted to wire tapping and criminal harassment, which you've admittedly profited from... for the paperwork, I'll post some more later today.

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it just proves that I do my research.
I've decided, partly because I'm having fun with my friend whom we'll call cromagnon, and ThatGuy drinking toolboxes and throwing around a pink rubber dick, that I'm just going to answer everything you say with something equally unintelligible, or a photo of something ridiculous. So I give you this photo, of Trojan, which is possibly the most terrifying photo on the internet. If you continue posting insanity, he will be joining us tomorrow for some good ol' fashion fun, like we used too back in the day.
You may find him here, on facebook:
He'd be happy to answer your questions about me, with even more ridiculous nonsense.
I've decided, partly because I'm having fun with my friend whom we'll call cromagnon, and ThatGuy drinking toolboxes and throwing around a pink rubber dick, that I'm just going to answer everything you say with something equally unintelligible, or a photo of something ridiculous. So I give you this photo, of Trojan, which is possibly the most terrifying photo on the internet. If you continue posting insanity, he will be joining us tomorrow for some good ol' fashion fun, like we used too back in the day.
You may find him here, on facebook:
He'd be happy to answer your questions about me, with even more ridiculous nonsense.

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just mad because you keep getting caught in your own web of stupid, but don't
worry, I found a flashlight! it was up your bung hole the entire time!

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I've shown that, that's why I lied and said it wasn't an emergency domestic
violence protection order when it said "emergency domestic violence
protection order" and use five zillion screennames.
I answer stupid with stupid. And you sir, are a twatwaffle. Just a tip though, next time you try to shove a flashlight up your ass, use lube, I'm told it makes it go in easier.
I answer stupid with stupid. And you sir, are a twatwaffle. Just a tip though, next time you try to shove a flashlight up your ass, use lube, I'm told it makes it go in easier.

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And I believe the term is "short bus." Excuse me a second, I need to summon my boozemonkey, my drink is unbelievably low.
And I believe the term is "short bus." Excuse me a second, I need to summon my boozemonkey, my drink is unbelievably low.

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Oh yeah, I forgot, he's like herpes! You think you're finally free, then BAM. He's back!
Oh yeah, I forgot, he's like herpes! You think you're finally free, then BAM. He's back!

know like, sixty bazillion melodys. Which one?
Man, if I ever work as a stripper, I should name myself MELODY MELON, THE MELON BALLER since my boobs are the size of cantaloupes.
Man, if I ever work as a stripper, I should name myself MELODY MELON, THE MELON BALLER since my boobs are the size of cantaloupes.

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*am* drunk, extremely so.
And you are only partly right, I used to model nude. But I'm FAR too clumsy for the stage. You've probably seen photos of me, and just don't know it :)
And you are only partly right, I used to model nude. But I'm FAR too clumsy for the stage. You've probably seen photos of me, and just don't know it :)

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booze really is truth serum, not many people know about those photos.

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I have never beaten or spit on a pregnant woman I supposedly loved, nor have I
ever served any time in prison, or passed a bad check in my life, EVER.

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Matt: Everyone on
LinkedIn whom you have threatened to "go after" has your private
emails. You threatened the filmmakers' Group members (and were banned) way
before you were banned from the Homeless and Housing Discussion, and I only
made one comment (since you were unknown as being banned from other
discussions)and all I did was offer you a contact in Hollywood to help you
distribute your films. You began to send me private LinkedIn emails, calling me
filthy names for even responding...after you had entered the Discussion to beg
and then demand that we buy your tapes. Do you want the emailm copied all over
the internet? I have never bullied YOU; you have cyberbullied me and everyone
knows it. I am not psychotic, but you are. You were sent for mental care and
convicted in OH, and you self-describe yourself as mentally ill. Everyone who
has known you for years of threats and filthy emails will tell the world the
same things.
I didn't do anything to make you homeless. It is the pattern of your entire life. Your short home films show you walking along the streets at night talking to yourself about your past as a prostitute with gay men for a "warm bed to sleep in." You have made a big deal about how gay men solicit you on Craigslist and you agree to their wishes. Do I care about any of your past? NO. What I do care about is how you have threatened vulnerable women with harmful actions. You don't use the internet to threaten men, do you? Why aren't you threatening Reddit and its male members for banning you from discussing anything? We all know why: you are afraid of men coming back at you in the same manner. But you don't mind beating up a woman, did you? We all know of one in particular...and she has not offered any of this information, so don't go after her again. (You mentioned it yourself, remember?)
You and perhaps 100 people whom you have threatened know you by now. You scared one famous man so badly that he left LinkedIn due to your threats. But you didn't blog about him did you? No: only old and vulnerable women. We have kept your private nasty emails with threats, so you can't deny them.
You tell me today in private emails that you want to "go to war" over what you did and pretend it's all my fault for your homelessness. According to others who know you well from years of you emailing threats, they have compiled a list of your "menacing" behaviors since the '90s and a major website owner is finding a lawyer to have you arrested and institutionalized for psychotic and dangerous public actions.
No one is to blame for your behaviors but yourself. You actually lie constantly about what your mother is doing to "help you." You told one story about being attacked by a bunch of Mexicans in a fast food place and became blind in one eye...and then your mother supposedly wrote on the internet about your situation. She denies that. She denies everything you say. Isn't it about time you took responsibility for your own behavior? You refuse to take the meds that you were told to take. You refuse to do anything that the courts have demanded of you to receive the mental health care you need.
Now stop this and get yourself help and maybe, just maybe, you will make a good film and it will be distributed. But, you MUST stop lying about me and another women on the internet. If your private emails are printed, you won't stand a chance of being believed about anything EVER. So, just take away all of your emails and internet lies and we'll all hope that you seek mental health care so you do have some "good" left in your life.
I didn't do anything to make you homeless. It is the pattern of your entire life. Your short home films show you walking along the streets at night talking to yourself about your past as a prostitute with gay men for a "warm bed to sleep in." You have made a big deal about how gay men solicit you on Craigslist and you agree to their wishes. Do I care about any of your past? NO. What I do care about is how you have threatened vulnerable women with harmful actions. You don't use the internet to threaten men, do you? Why aren't you threatening Reddit and its male members for banning you from discussing anything? We all know why: you are afraid of men coming back at you in the same manner. But you don't mind beating up a woman, did you? We all know of one in particular...and she has not offered any of this information, so don't go after her again. (You mentioned it yourself, remember?)
You and perhaps 100 people whom you have threatened know you by now. You scared one famous man so badly that he left LinkedIn due to your threats. But you didn't blog about him did you? No: only old and vulnerable women. We have kept your private nasty emails with threats, so you can't deny them.
You tell me today in private emails that you want to "go to war" over what you did and pretend it's all my fault for your homelessness. According to others who know you well from years of you emailing threats, they have compiled a list of your "menacing" behaviors since the '90s and a major website owner is finding a lawyer to have you arrested and institutionalized for psychotic and dangerous public actions.
No one is to blame for your behaviors but yourself. You actually lie constantly about what your mother is doing to "help you." You told one story about being attacked by a bunch of Mexicans in a fast food place and became blind in one eye...and then your mother supposedly wrote on the internet about your situation. She denies that. She denies everything you say. Isn't it about time you took responsibility for your own behavior? You refuse to take the meds that you were told to take. You refuse to do anything that the courts have demanded of you to receive the mental health care you need.
Now stop this and get yourself help and maybe, just maybe, you will make a good film and it will be distributed. But, you MUST stop lying about me and another women on the internet. If your private emails are printed, you won't stand a chance of being believed about anything EVER. So, just take away all of your emails and internet lies and we'll all hope that you seek mental health care so you do have some "good" left in your life.

We'll be talking
about Marjorie's statements, and re-printing them in Blame Reagan 2, due out
July 2013.

Oh, dear; Matt is
now Sparky Johnson. If Matt took as much time making a good short film, he
wouldn't have time for all of this junk mail.
Matt: you didn't get the previous versions of Blame Reagan distributed, but just banned from YouTube. Your last attempt was to film you vomiting as you dropped the camera. So, go for anything you want to say and from now on I'm just going to ignore your sorry attempts to try to be famous. But know that every city and state in which you roam, you will be reported for being a "cyberterrorist." Any man who has to harass and tell lies about an old woman is a really disgusting individual. You have succeeded in being a disgusting individual.
Goodbye to wasting time on your pathetic behaviors and desire to blame all of your life problems on someone who didn't know who you were until she received filthy emails from you via LinkedIn only about 2-3 months ago. Get help.
Matt: you didn't get the previous versions of Blame Reagan distributed, but just banned from YouTube. Your last attempt was to film you vomiting as you dropped the camera. So, go for anything you want to say and from now on I'm just going to ignore your sorry attempts to try to be famous. But know that every city and state in which you roam, you will be reported for being a "cyberterrorist." Any man who has to harass and tell lies about an old woman is a really disgusting individual. You have succeeded in being a disgusting individual.
Goodbye to wasting time on your pathetic behaviors and desire to blame all of your life problems on someone who didn't know who you were until she received filthy emails from you via LinkedIn only about 2-3 months ago. Get help.

do you think Alex/Sparky/Matthew's mother thinks of him publishing her unlisted
phone number on the internet in relationship to him?

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like a dead link to me Jerry Chevalier, or LesterClaypool1 of the - and I'm
trying my best not to snicker - Nordic Cave Resistance... hahah Oh my god what
a bunch of fucking losers with no life I can't even take this seriously
anymore. All of it, your whole vast history, and we even found Ayla's
"paedo ring" - fucking priceless - YouTube profile, pictures of her
with bandanas on her face. This is pretty amusing guys but anyway.

sweetheart, you posted that link, and I screencapped it, remember, the internet
is forever! I'll be posting it to the blog shortly, after editing out some
personal numbers of course.
And I would be useless as a bandana covered person on the internet. I have a distinctive voice and accent, so I don't know who you're harassing now, but the videos you speak of sure as hell aren't me.
And I would be useless as a bandana covered person on the internet. I have a distinctive voice and accent, so I don't know who you're harassing now, but the videos you speak of sure as hell aren't me.

sorry, you're right, your useless no matter what you do.

person who's number it actually was already got a phone call about you
splashing it all over the internet in relation to you. Didn't sound like they
were very happy. They also got a screen cap of what was in the link link to
their inbox.
The internet is written in permanent marker, Idiot Boy, that's what you fail to understand.
The internet is written in permanent marker, Idiot Boy, that's what you fail to understand.

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would be why a woman answered the phone?

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because the phone was ANSWERED.

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in those comments implies that my wife or I made the call, merely that I am
aware that the call was made and answered.
But I know that your shit reading comprehension would make you think otherwise.
From the welfare call made to your father you should know that my wife isn't in any way shy about announcing who she is or her reason for making a telephone call.
Besides, my wife has your mum's email address to show her how you were claiming to be spreading her unlisted number on the internet. Why would she have to call her?
But I know that your shit reading comprehension would make you think otherwise.
From the welfare call made to your father you should know that my wife isn't in any way shy about announcing who she is or her reason for making a telephone call.
Besides, my wife has your mum's email address to show her how you were claiming to be spreading her unlisted number on the internet. Why would she have to call her?

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see, your father WILLINGLY spoke to lee ann. Your mother never told lee ann to
stop emailing her, therefore, it is not harassment. Otherwise, every single
telemarketing call, or wrong number would be harassment.
Just like putting your laptop in a public space doesn't mean you own the rights to the entire internet.
Just like putting your laptop in a public space doesn't mean you own the rights to the entire internet.

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the best you can come up with? There's no creativity there?
How about...twatwaffle, or shitlicking goat fucker, or vaginal pickle monkey. For a filmmaker, you really lack creativity.
How about...twatwaffle, or shitlicking goat fucker, or vaginal pickle monkey. For a filmmaker, you really lack creativity.

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I'm a fan of Kevin Goudreau, he's this dumbass neo nazi about your age who heil
hitlers while wearing a towel with a belt. He lives in Oshawa now, he's pretty
damn funny. He makes me laugh because he's an idiot, but he's a funny idiot.
You sir, are just a boring, self-pitying idiot. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.
Now, if you can come up with something a little more entertaining than "fatty" to a girl who still fits in children's clothing, then MAYBE I'll start taking you seriously, until then, you can continue making yourself look like an idiot.
Now, if you can come up with something a little more entertaining than "fatty" to a girl who still fits in children's clothing, then MAYBE I'll start taking you seriously, until then, you can continue making yourself look like an idiot.

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refused to file charges because you're the one doing the stalking hun,
And seriously, I just saw this now, the best insult you can come up with is arbitrarily stringing together words?
I don't understand, are you telling me I have a big pink dildo, or I'm a vagina warrior (I'm assuming that means I'm a feminist), or that I have giant boobs? Or that my boobs are made entirely of dildo? I don't understand, because it is illogical, and not a very good insult.
And seriously, I just saw this now, the best insult you can come up with is arbitrarily stringing together words?
I don't understand, are you telling me I have a big pink dildo, or I'm a vagina warrior (I'm assuming that means I'm a feminist), or that I have giant boobs? Or that my boobs are made entirely of dildo? I don't understand, because it is illogical, and not a very good insult.

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I have a copy of
this deleted comment by Matt, now aka Alex Jones. It states that it is apparent
that I am suffering from early onset dementia. He also states that he wasn't
born in 1976, but in 1958 -- which means that he lied to the Voter Registrar in
Green Co., WV as well as the Akron, OH Police Dept. and its court system.
Matt (Alex Jones) also said he found another blog by me that says he has had 4 plastic surgeries and is affiliated with the CIA. That, of course, is a stupid lie; I haven't posted anything other than what is on Google and I've just joined FB to be on the alert for his continuing lies. He says I have no credibility since I do not have a Ph.D. I certainly do, and that is easily checked! My doctoral dissertation and two books are listed all over Google when my name is typed in. I also have academic references and articles listed on Google. I even have a listing for being a workshop leader for the CA Governor's Conference on Crime Victims.
I now don't believe that Matt Kane is mentally ill. He is just a deliberately nasty man who is afraid to write things like this to the men who have banned him from the Film and Television Professional Group/discussions on linkedIn, Reddit, and the YouTube team which has banned his Blame Reagan home short films since they are completely "inappropriate." His "films" have not been purchased by anyone, and he is angry because of that. He now says he is releasing another BR "film" in July. He assumes that it will be purchased and everyone will want to see the same things again.
Matt (Alex Jones) only blogs about the way women have made him homeless and unemployed....and it doesn't matter that we didn't even know of him when that began in his life. He blames me and I only came across his existence about 2-3 months ago. His past is all over Reddit, and it is obvious that he just lies about everything.
A man who beat up his pregnant girlfriend is not a "nice guy." His record in Akron, OH, makes it obvious that he has a long record of violence. He only focuses blame on vulnerable women. We're the "weaker sex." He'll find out just how "weak" we are, for if men don't have the guts to find and arrest him, we women will again.
I would copy the entire comment that was also sent to my home email, but don't know how to copy and paste it to here. Anyone who wants to see the comment that Matt decided went too far, can email me and I will forward it to you.
Matt (Alex Jones) also said he found another blog by me that says he has had 4 plastic surgeries and is affiliated with the CIA. That, of course, is a stupid lie; I haven't posted anything other than what is on Google and I've just joined FB to be on the alert for his continuing lies. He says I have no credibility since I do not have a Ph.D. I certainly do, and that is easily checked! My doctoral dissertation and two books are listed all over Google when my name is typed in. I also have academic references and articles listed on Google. I even have a listing for being a workshop leader for the CA Governor's Conference on Crime Victims.
I now don't believe that Matt Kane is mentally ill. He is just a deliberately nasty man who is afraid to write things like this to the men who have banned him from the Film and Television Professional Group/discussions on linkedIn, Reddit, and the YouTube team which has banned his Blame Reagan home short films since they are completely "inappropriate." His "films" have not been purchased by anyone, and he is angry because of that. He now says he is releasing another BR "film" in July. He assumes that it will be purchased and everyone will want to see the same things again.
Matt (Alex Jones) only blogs about the way women have made him homeless and unemployed....and it doesn't matter that we didn't even know of him when that began in his life. He blames me and I only came across his existence about 2-3 months ago. His past is all over Reddit, and it is obvious that he just lies about everything.
A man who beat up his pregnant girlfriend is not a "nice guy." His record in Akron, OH, makes it obvious that he has a long record of violence. He only focuses blame on vulnerable women. We're the "weaker sex." He'll find out just how "weak" we are, for if men don't have the guts to find and arrest him, we women will again.
I would copy the entire comment that was also sent to my home email, but don't know how to copy and paste it to here. Anyone who wants to see the comment that Matt decided went too far, can email me and I will forward it to you.

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right, he stalks and harasses men, too.

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Cave Resistance" was six grown ass men, myself, NordicCaveResistence aka
Nordy, ClaytonBigsby, whitepowder88, SaxonCrusader and neomoxy1488, who found
something humorous about putting pictures of monkeys up as their avatars and
leaving the comment "pooping" on neonazi pages.
NCR is an idiot like you who hijacked the name to stalk people in real life and completely separate from the original Simian Six.
I miss my monkey brethren.
NCR is an idiot like you who hijacked the name to stalk people in real life and completely separate from the original Simian Six.
I miss my monkey brethren.

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Nothing says dumbfuckery like Matty B's own words.
Matty B (aka Jim Bob not worried about distribution)
Jim Bob
May 21
to me
No no no stupid. The Promo Bay is run by The Pirate Bay, I wrote to them after my stuff was destroyed. I still have the VOD master for the film, which i kept on a 5Gb USB key. They then, created a torrent file out of my master, and are going to feature Blame Reagan on the front page of The Pirate Bay, which generates roughly 2,000,000 views and $50,000 in donations on average.
If you worked in the industry you'd know that.
Your poor mother. The shame she must feel. How betrayed she must feel that you listed her private number online.
Nothing says dumbfuckery like Matty B's own words.
Matty B (aka Jim Bob not worried about distribution)
Jim Bob
May 21
to me
No no no stupid. The Promo Bay is run by The Pirate Bay, I wrote to them after my stuff was destroyed. I still have the VOD master for the film, which i kept on a 5Gb USB key. They then, created a torrent file out of my master, and are going to feature Blame Reagan on the front page of The Pirate Bay, which generates roughly 2,000,000 views and $50,000 in donations on average.
If you worked in the industry you'd know that.
Your poor mother. The shame she must feel. How betrayed she must feel that you listed her private number online.

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filming the internet again, Matt?
You do realize that we would have to sign a release for you to use our comments in your home movie as they our published under our legal names, right? What do you think the odds are of any of us signing that release,
Matt Kane/SofaKing/Tony Clifton/Alex Jones/Sparkey Johnson/Jim Bob/Alan Smithee?
Now if we were to make a film about you, not that any of us would be arsed to, but if we were to we wouldn't have to get jack shit from you as everything your coward, candyass posts is under an alias.
And while you're busy pretending to make another "documentary" about your pathetic life SonnyBoo's show has just been nominated for an Emmy.
Such sweet, sweet irony.
You do realize that we would have to sign a release for you to use our comments in your home movie as they our published under our legal names, right? What do you think the odds are of any of us signing that release,
Matt Kane/SofaKing/Tony Clifton/Alex Jones/Sparkey Johnson/Jim Bob/Alan Smithee?
Now if we were to make a film about you, not that any of us would be arsed to, but if we were to we wouldn't have to get jack shit from you as everything your coward, candyass posts is under an alias.
And while you're busy pretending to make another "documentary" about your pathetic life SonnyBoo's show has just been nominated for an Emmy.
Such sweet, sweet irony.

Brady of no fixed precinct, town or state lol.

how and why of Matty B being a lying sack of shit:
"I never intended to distribute the first film."
Blame Reagan
This is a minor bump in the road. I have an external video hosting site ready to go, as a back up plan. I was hoping to not have to use it. Today wasn't the best day for this to happen, as I have the flu, and I'm trying to rent an apartment. Now, instead of taking care of myself, and getting myself a place to live I have to spend the day getting my film uploaded to the new distributor
Google Cache, Idiot.
"I never intended to distribute the first film."
Blame Reagan
This is a minor bump in the road. I have an external video hosting site ready to go, as a back up plan. I was hoping to not have to use it. Today wasn't the best day for this to happen, as I have the flu, and I'm trying to rent an apartment. Now, instead of taking care of myself, and getting myself a place to live I have to spend the day getting my film uploaded to the new distributor
Google Cache, Idiot.

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that's because you're the one doing the "cyber bullying" Dumbass.

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forget the hundreds of screencaps of content that you've removed, yourself,
that you had posted, the same as you took down the link to the supposed
conversation with your mom.
Permanent marker, dumb shit.
Permanent marker, dumb shit.

Matty b reading this
page a million times a day has made it the first search result when you Google
him. This kid seriously can't do anything without footbulleting himself.

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access this blog through an email link, bypassing Google.
If I were as stupid as you I'd be too ashamed to live. On second thought, I wouldn't be, you need a moral compass to feel shame and you are severely lacking one.
If I were as stupid as you I'd be too ashamed to live. On second thought, I wouldn't be, you need a moral compass to feel shame and you are severely lacking one.

I wasn't going to
say anything, but Lester has mentioned it, so listen up, Matt. All of our
comments are our own; you cannot use them without our permission, credit, and
undoubtedly, a LOT of money for their usage. That extends to our photos as
well. My material, and I'm only speaking about my words and photos, since that
is fair, is copyrighted. You may not infringe on my copyright.
You said I have no credentials and therefore have no right to state anything about my expertise with homeless people. I not only have a Ph.D., I attended Law School. First year classes included civil law, copyrights, and federal laws about using other people's words and images.
If you copy anything said on the internet to your film, you will have to have a release form signed. I'm surprised that you didn't know this; I guess I assumed you knew about what can be copied and what can't. Everything in your film has to be your own words and photos, and if you use almost anything else, you will be disobeying federal law. If you commit libel, that is another lawsuit. When you say I have anything to do with your homelessness or unemployment, as you have already done, you face a lawsuit. Further, your project is for profit, and that makes a big difference.
Right now you state that you have lots of money. It will all go to those you owe, and that's "us." If you make money on the film BRII, it will be ours as compensation for copyright infringement.
You know that I had nothing to do with your past since 2006 when you were arrested in OH for violent behavior. Your first BR film was all about your homelessness and unemployment, so how could I possibly be responsible for anything in your life? You lied; I did not latch onto YOU; YOU latched onto me in a Homeless Housing discussion on LinkedIn -- and began to send filthy emails. By then you had already been banned by another LinkedIn group and by Reddit. You have always admitted that you made bad judgments and "errors" in your life.
Don't make another huge error. That new one will take away your freedom to roam and film something that is your own idea and project. Use some common sense before you release that BRII.
You deserve it, but I do not wish you any more harm than you have already done to yourself. The comment that you state as proof that I ruined your life was an offer to help you. You were "insulted" by such an offer and began to write those disgusting emails, insisting that you were a famous filmmaker and didn't need any help...but you were on the Housing discussion to beg for help.
Get yourself to a lawyer if you don't believe Lester and me.
You said I have no credentials and therefore have no right to state anything about my expertise with homeless people. I not only have a Ph.D., I attended Law School. First year classes included civil law, copyrights, and federal laws about using other people's words and images.
If you copy anything said on the internet to your film, you will have to have a release form signed. I'm surprised that you didn't know this; I guess I assumed you knew about what can be copied and what can't. Everything in your film has to be your own words and photos, and if you use almost anything else, you will be disobeying federal law. If you commit libel, that is another lawsuit. When you say I have anything to do with your homelessness or unemployment, as you have already done, you face a lawsuit. Further, your project is for profit, and that makes a big difference.
Right now you state that you have lots of money. It will all go to those you owe, and that's "us." If you make money on the film BRII, it will be ours as compensation for copyright infringement.
You know that I had nothing to do with your past since 2006 when you were arrested in OH for violent behavior. Your first BR film was all about your homelessness and unemployment, so how could I possibly be responsible for anything in your life? You lied; I did not latch onto YOU; YOU latched onto me in a Homeless Housing discussion on LinkedIn -- and began to send filthy emails. By then you had already been banned by another LinkedIn group and by Reddit. You have always admitted that you made bad judgments and "errors" in your life.
Don't make another huge error. That new one will take away your freedom to roam and film something that is your own idea and project. Use some common sense before you release that BRII.
You deserve it, but I do not wish you any more harm than you have already done to yourself. The comment that you state as proof that I ruined your life was an offer to help you. You were "insulted" by such an offer and began to write those disgusting emails, insisting that you were a famous filmmaker and didn't need any help...but you were on the Housing discussion to beg for help.
Get yourself to a lawyer if you don't believe Lester and me.

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have never, at any time in my life, been arrested for "violent
You were, however, arrested, convicted and incarcerated for violating an emergency domestic violence protective order
This is only a very small part of the paperwork that we've collected to safeguard ourselves, Matthew. Don't make me post the report where you were declared an imminent physical danger and threat to a woman and a child.
You were, however, arrested, convicted and incarcerated for violating an emergency domestic violence protective order
This is only a very small part of the paperwork that we've collected to safeguard ourselves, Matthew. Don't make me post the report where you were declared an imminent physical danger and threat to a woman and a child.

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You're the only one profiting off this, remember? Someone gave you $3000
because of us? There go your claims of harassment and intimidation...mine,
however, MINE are still valid.

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his MOTEL ROOM rofl.
What happened to your cabin in the woods?
What happened to your cabin in the woods?

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that explains me catching you in an obvious lie, yet again?
BR2 will never be made or released for the simple fact that none of the subjects of your film will sign the necessary release for you to get your home movie to the public.
It's an exercise in futility, kinda like your sad excuse for a life.
BR2 will never be made or released for the simple fact that none of the subjects of your film will sign the necessary release for you to get your home movie to the public.
It's an exercise in futility, kinda like your sad excuse for a life.

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that's so relevant to you getting caught in yet another obvious lie?
Though my wife hasn't even been here to be made aware of the fact that you posted another one of your cut and past bits of bullshit claiming it to be one thing when it was actually another a call coming up without a name and number doesn't necessarily mean that the person has blocked the call.
For instance, when Ayla calls me from her cell phone it comes up private name, not because Ayla has blocked her digits but because her phone provider does not provide my phone provider with the information. It's not uncommon. But as I know for a fact that the person who called your mom's number/your number/God knows who's number wanted to remain anonymous that probably confirms your suspicion that she blocked the call.
In the real world, as opposed to Matty B Bullshit world, she did a kind thing by informing the woman who answered that her number was available online by way of a man who is known as a useless and criminal POS to everyone who is unfortunate enough to run into him. She also informed the woman of her efforts to have the post taken down, assuming that it was your mom. That is an act of kindness to a woman who has a son that has made many enemies online.
Tell you what, you have your "Officer Brady (Of no fixed precinct, town or state)" petition my phone records. Then you'll know for sure whether or not my wife placed the call instead of just, wrongly, assuming that she did.
Just like you'll assume that my wife sent your mother the screeencapture of you claiming to be taking to her when it was actually me because I couldn't find your mum's address in my account.
In fact, if you're so convinced that we're the Chevaliars, why don't you call them to see if we called. I know for a FACT that their number is in the white pages because that's how I found Jerry when his cell phone had been lost and the number that he had given me reissued.
Maybe you'll find a definitive answer that way, or are you too stupid to figure out the white pages? You're too fucking stupid to find me, and I'm listed in the white pages, too.
Though my wife hasn't even been here to be made aware of the fact that you posted another one of your cut and past bits of bullshit claiming it to be one thing when it was actually another a call coming up without a name and number doesn't necessarily mean that the person has blocked the call.
For instance, when Ayla calls me from her cell phone it comes up private name, not because Ayla has blocked her digits but because her phone provider does not provide my phone provider with the information. It's not uncommon. But as I know for a fact that the person who called your mom's number/your number/God knows who's number wanted to remain anonymous that probably confirms your suspicion that she blocked the call.
In the real world, as opposed to Matty B Bullshit world, she did a kind thing by informing the woman who answered that her number was available online by way of a man who is known as a useless and criminal POS to everyone who is unfortunate enough to run into him. She also informed the woman of her efforts to have the post taken down, assuming that it was your mom. That is an act of kindness to a woman who has a son that has made many enemies online.
Tell you what, you have your "Officer Brady (Of no fixed precinct, town or state)" petition my phone records. Then you'll know for sure whether or not my wife placed the call instead of just, wrongly, assuming that she did.
Just like you'll assume that my wife sent your mother the screeencapture of you claiming to be taking to her when it was actually me because I couldn't find your mum's address in my account.
In fact, if you're so convinced that we're the Chevaliars, why don't you call them to see if we called. I know for a FACT that their number is in the white pages because that's how I found Jerry when his cell phone had been lost and the number that he had given me reissued.
Maybe you'll find a definitive answer that way, or are you too stupid to figure out the white pages? You're too fucking stupid to find me, and I'm listed in the white pages, too.

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soon to youtube, where it will be gloriously ignored in favour of videos of
cats in shark suits riding roombas and chasing ducks, with a surprise guest
star, the hammerhead pitbull.
Apparently, I make a guest appearance too! I CAN'T WAIT!
Apparently, I make a guest appearance too! I CAN'T WAIT!

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Violating an emergency domestic violence protection order isn't a charge? AT ALL? Want me to post what the outcome of that arrest was?
Violating an emergency domestic violence protection order isn't a charge? AT ALL? Want me to post what the outcome of that arrest was?

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VIOLATED A PROTECTIVE ORDER. And lied to the fucking dispatcher accusing the
mother of your child of making it up.
You were told not to go there, not to contact her, you did it anyway, and were convicted of FOUR counts of it.
It is an emergency domestic violence protective order. See the part where it says EMERGENCY DVP, on the second page, second line down? It's right there in black and white. Are you seriously that fucking dense? Do you think people are going to believe you, or an arrest report drawn up by the arresting officer? Are you really so fucking delusional that you've lost the ability to read? I wasn't even there and I seem to have a better grasp of what happened than you do.
Use your fucking brain, child. My nana used to have a phrase for people like you, "allergic to the truth." You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you like a brick wall. You are a pathetic, misogynistic, twat shaped smegma nugget. I've taken more worthwhile and meaningful shits than you. You go right ahead and make your movie, make sure you spell my name right, you dirty ass munching cunt.
It is spelled with a SUCK MY PINK RUBBER COCK.
You were told not to go there, not to contact her, you did it anyway, and were convicted of FOUR counts of it.
It is an emergency domestic violence protective order. See the part where it says EMERGENCY DVP, on the second page, second line down? It's right there in black and white. Are you seriously that fucking dense? Do you think people are going to believe you, or an arrest report drawn up by the arresting officer? Are you really so fucking delusional that you've lost the ability to read? I wasn't even there and I seem to have a better grasp of what happened than you do.
Use your fucking brain, child. My nana used to have a phrase for people like you, "allergic to the truth." You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you like a brick wall. You are a pathetic, misogynistic, twat shaped smegma nugget. I've taken more worthwhile and meaningful shits than you. You go right ahead and make your movie, make sure you spell my name right, you dirty ass munching cunt.
It is spelled with a SUCK MY PINK RUBBER COCK.

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I totally believe you speak for the woman you beat and spit on when she was
pregnant all those years ago, apparently, so much so she went and got an
emergency domestic violence protective order.
The three day ordeal that is my birthday has begun, and I'm incredibly shitfaced, and the funny part is, drunk off my rocker, and brain damaged, I'm STILL more credible than you.
I wish you could see me right now, I'm laughing so hard it hurts.
The three day ordeal that is my birthday has begun, and I'm incredibly shitfaced, and the funny part is, drunk off my rocker, and brain damaged, I'm STILL more credible than you.
I wish you could see me right now, I'm laughing so hard it hurts.

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you know what this blog says? That you're fucking pathetic, and you stick to
your delusional lies regardless of the situation, even when presented with
evidence that you're full of shit. Like how it wasn't an emergency domestic
violence protection order, DESPITE IT SAYING RIGHT THERE THAT IT WAS.
I was drunk last night, and I had a hard time taking you seriously. You're still a massive threat to people, that much is clear, and you are absolutely someone who should spend the rest of your pathetic, miserable, rotting life in jail, where you can't possibly inflict any more harm on the rest of society. You spit on a pregnant woman, you lied about it, and you, admittedly, ARE STILL HARASSING THAT POOR WOMAN. You fucking make me sick, and now, with my dad gone twenty years, I'm sick of being little miss nicey pants while you shit all over everyone and everything like a flea infested bitch with too many cunts and not enough brain.
When you give me obviously delusional bullshit, I'm going to treat you exactly the same way. I can't even respect you enough to think of you angrily, you seriously are the lowest common denominator, and the mere thought of you out there in the world, wreaking havoc and scamming and torturing people makes me fucking sick.
You're right, this blog does speak for itself, it is a rather clear indicator of your delusion, caught in lie after lie after lie, and they're crumbling around you, and rather than face the truth like a real man, you attack people and frantically try to lie some more in some pathetic, failing, attempt to make yourself look good.
You make me sick.
I was drunk last night, and I had a hard time taking you seriously. You're still a massive threat to people, that much is clear, and you are absolutely someone who should spend the rest of your pathetic, miserable, rotting life in jail, where you can't possibly inflict any more harm on the rest of society. You spit on a pregnant woman, you lied about it, and you, admittedly, ARE STILL HARASSING THAT POOR WOMAN. You fucking make me sick, and now, with my dad gone twenty years, I'm sick of being little miss nicey pants while you shit all over everyone and everything like a flea infested bitch with too many cunts and not enough brain.
When you give me obviously delusional bullshit, I'm going to treat you exactly the same way. I can't even respect you enough to think of you angrily, you seriously are the lowest common denominator, and the mere thought of you out there in the world, wreaking havoc and scamming and torturing people makes me fucking sick.
You're right, this blog does speak for itself, it is a rather clear indicator of your delusion, caught in lie after lie after lie, and they're crumbling around you, and rather than face the truth like a real man, you attack people and frantically try to lie some more in some pathetic, failing, attempt to make yourself look good.
You make me sick.

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talked to his ex, he hasn't talked to his ex all on the same page.
I have an email dated March 20, 2013 that shows that you tried to contact her, then. That email also shows that she can't be arsed to acknowledge your existence IN YOUR OWN WORDS which would contradict your claims of resuming contact after the 5 year DVP was lifted.
Keep talking, Matt. The more you talk the more people cans see you're full of shit, and on the first Google result that comes up for your name.
I have an email dated March 20, 2013 that shows that you tried to contact her, then. That email also shows that she can't be arsed to acknowledge your existence IN YOUR OWN WORDS which would contradict your claims of resuming contact after the 5 year DVP was lifted.
Keep talking, Matt. The more you talk the more people cans see you're full of shit, and on the first Google result that comes up for your name.

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has occurred to me that we've all backed up all our allegations against you,
but you haven't backed up a single one against us. Pics or it didn't happen.
Because what I'm seeing now, is a clear case of defamation. I almost wish you WOULD make your film, and that you'd be famous for it, because hey, I might own it one day...
Because what I'm seeing now, is a clear case of defamation. I almost wish you WOULD make your film, and that you'd be famous for it, because hey, I might own it one day...

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B's version of events:
""have dated e-mails" to make appear that they are communicating with my ex."
What was actually said:
"I have an email dated March 20, 2013 that shows that you tried to contact her, then. That email also shows that she can't be arsed to acknowledge your existence IN YOUR OWN WORDS which would contradict your claims of resuming contact after the 5 year DVP was lifted."
IN YOUR OWN WORDS implies that the email was from YOU, dumbfuck.
Check your outgoing mail, Him Bob. You should have the same email in your sent mail. Nowhere have I claimed to be in contact with your ex.
""have dated e-mails" to make appear that they are communicating with my ex."
What was actually said:
"I have an email dated March 20, 2013 that shows that you tried to contact her, then. That email also shows that she can't be arsed to acknowledge your existence IN YOUR OWN WORDS which would contradict your claims of resuming contact after the 5 year DVP was lifted."
IN YOUR OWN WORDS implies that the email was from YOU, dumbfuck.
Check your outgoing mail, Him Bob. You should have the same email in your sent mail. Nowhere have I claimed to be in contact with your ex.

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said that days ago.
Here, you can take this to bed with you and think fondly of me.
Here, you can take this to bed with you and think fondly of me.

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then how do you keep replying to it? ARE YOU IN MY BRAIN?

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one of my friends saw this and pointed out that you keep talking to an
imaginary audience, that makes me laugh because you think you're famous and
people care. No one cares. You aren't even internet famous. No one loves you,
and you are going to die alone, in a roachy motel room, with no one to miss
No matter what you say, or do to me, or the others you've stalked and harassed over the years, we're always going to win, because there's literally NOTHING about you even remotely redeeming. If anyone does remember you, you're going to go down in history as the internet's biggest joke.
No matter what you say, or do to me, or the others you've stalked and harassed over the years, we're always going to win, because there's literally NOTHING about you even remotely redeeming. If anyone does remember you, you're going to go down in history as the internet's biggest joke.

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have an email from Matty B sent to an email address of mine that he thought
might have been his ex's email address that proves that he continues to contact
her against her wishes and that she refuses to acknowledge him.

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went ahead and sent a test e-mail to the address, because Jerry is not an
intelligent man."
This isn't even a sentence or a complete thought. And no one sent you an email about anything, Matthew.
This isn't even a sentence or a complete thought. And no one sent you an email about anything, Matthew.

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you really just post the paperwork that show that the courts declared you an
imminent threat to your ex and her child and post her personal information ONLINE,
including her private signature, "thus exposing her to identity
Is that what I'm looking at in this, now saved, link that I'll probably sending to that internet address that YOU gave me for your ex?
Is that what I'm looking at in this, now saved, link that I'll probably sending to that internet address that YOU gave me for your ex?

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who, Matthew? Me or Chevaliar? You seem to get us confused, a lot.
Must be Chevaliar as I have no ties to Utah.
Must be Chevaliar as I have no ties to Utah.

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a bad liar, Matty B. There's been one comment to my blog from you, ever, and
you were pretending to be a redditor named Al.
If you want to post comments to my blog, post comments to my blog. Hell, I even have a post up where I invite you to post your own blog post, remember that? You've already been caught in lie after lie after lie after lie, do you really think you have any credibility left?
I've been off having fun celebrating my birthday, and, you've been here being an idiot for two days. Seriously. You're a bad joke Matty, and you really need to just accept the fact that you've been outed for the pathological liar you've always been.
Seriously, just give up, there's no winning for you here.
If you want to post comments to my blog, post comments to my blog. Hell, I even have a post up where I invite you to post your own blog post, remember that? You've already been caught in lie after lie after lie after lie, do you really think you have any credibility left?
I've been off having fun celebrating my birthday, and, you've been here being an idiot for two days. Seriously. You're a bad joke Matty, and you really need to just accept the fact that you've been outed for the pathological liar you've always been.
Seriously, just give up, there's no winning for you here.

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not a religious extremist hun, I'm a secular Jew.
Also, you were permabanned from reddit for harassing a mod, so unless you're going around that ban...Well, I can post that screenshot too.
You're the one with no credibility:
I think, you've stepped in shit, and now you're looking for any excuse to blame anyone. As for me being a sociopath, sociopaths understand the difference between right and wrong, and just don't care. Who do you think sounds more like that? The guy who tried to get a mom fired from her job, putting her kid at risk, or the mom who fought back?
For all the things you've accused me of, you're the only one with any guilt here.
Also, you were permabanned from reddit for harassing a mod, so unless you're going around that ban...Well, I can post that screenshot too.
You're the one with no credibility:
I think, you've stepped in shit, and now you're looking for any excuse to blame anyone. As for me being a sociopath, sociopaths understand the difference between right and wrong, and just don't care. Who do you think sounds more like that? The guy who tried to get a mom fired from her job, putting her kid at risk, or the mom who fought back?
For all the things you've accused me of, you're the only one with any guilt here.

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try. I'm pretty sure my blog post shows who the real idiot here is...

MATT: You said, on
June 16th, that MY blog about you being in the CIA is on Alex Jones' blog.
Exactly where is that, for I can't find it and I have NO idea who "the
real" Alex Jones is! You are a malicious liar, and when you state
something that is obviously a lie, then your credibility about anything at all
is worthless.
Further, just why are you getting SSD? It can't be for being physically disabled since you can hike for many miles with heavy bags and bed roll, etc. You spend days on the streets and there is no sign of a disability from BR YouTubes. If you are getting SSD because YOU say you are mentally ill, then you must be arrested for malicious lies that defame/harm others. If you have been medically IDed as mentally ill, then with the malicious lies you spread all over the internet create a necessity for you to be institutionalized. BR II will bring a class action lawsuit that will put you into the institution where you belong. You can't win in either case, and any film that is released will be the responsibility of the distributor. Is the distributor ready to be sued for deliberately putting up malicious lies?
You have no "freedom of speech" to maliciously spread defamatory lies. Have you counted how many victims will be telling their stories about you in court files?
BTW: there are many thousands of good people who give whole meals to the homeless on a daily basis. What does giving one slice of pizza do for a homeless person? What happens when they need food again? Will you be there to give more slices of pizza? That is NOT helping the homeless.
What I have done over many years is the way to help the homeless, and you have added malicious blogs to my photo on the internet (by .png), and created malicious lies about my "running concentration and internment camps for the homeless in which they don't get paid." Absolutely nothing is true; you are just plain malicious and hate homeless people and the hard workers who help them every day. All you do is feed your ego, not the daily need for the homeless to eat regularly. If BRII has anything to do with me, you are looking at life in an institution, whether it be a prison or an institution, depending on what psychiatrists say about your health.
Don't forget those releases from every person you have "interviewed" on film. If you release anything that is copywritten by us, you have defied federal law. That means our words and our photos. To defy federal law is a very dangerous attempt by you, and you can be arrested anywhere the minute you show up and are recognized. If you have a "prison wish," this will do it.
Further, just why are you getting SSD? It can't be for being physically disabled since you can hike for many miles with heavy bags and bed roll, etc. You spend days on the streets and there is no sign of a disability from BR YouTubes. If you are getting SSD because YOU say you are mentally ill, then you must be arrested for malicious lies that defame/harm others. If you have been medically IDed as mentally ill, then with the malicious lies you spread all over the internet create a necessity for you to be institutionalized. BR II will bring a class action lawsuit that will put you into the institution where you belong. You can't win in either case, and any film that is released will be the responsibility of the distributor. Is the distributor ready to be sued for deliberately putting up malicious lies?
You have no "freedom of speech" to maliciously spread defamatory lies. Have you counted how many victims will be telling their stories about you in court files?
BTW: there are many thousands of good people who give whole meals to the homeless on a daily basis. What does giving one slice of pizza do for a homeless person? What happens when they need food again? Will you be there to give more slices of pizza? That is NOT helping the homeless.
What I have done over many years is the way to help the homeless, and you have added malicious blogs to my photo on the internet (by .png), and created malicious lies about my "running concentration and internment camps for the homeless in which they don't get paid." Absolutely nothing is true; you are just plain malicious and hate homeless people and the hard workers who help them every day. All you do is feed your ego, not the daily need for the homeless to eat regularly. If BRII has anything to do with me, you are looking at life in an institution, whether it be a prison or an institution, depending on what psychiatrists say about your health.
Don't forget those releases from every person you have "interviewed" on film. If you release anything that is copywritten by us, you have defied federal law. That means our words and our photos. To defy federal law is a very dangerous attempt by you, and you can be arrested anywhere the minute you show up and are recognized. If you have a "prison wish," this will do it.

B has no interest in learning how to fish, hence, he thinks giving people fish
somehow helps them because he thinks that people owe him fish.
It's all very confusion, Marjorie.
It's all very confusion, Marjorie.

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blah blah blah I can't believe you're still talking.

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I'm a rape victim, and I've been homeless, and you aren't fighting for me.
Your logic is flawed, go fuck yourself.
Your logic is flawed, go fuck yourself.

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don't care about your career. I want you to make your films and speak out about
rape and homelessness. The more people who do the better. It's a good cause.
I just want you to stop attacking people whom you arbitrarily decide you don't like.
You are so incredibly delusional right now, stop and think about the stuff you're posting, because the only person I see damaging your career is you.
I just want you to stop attacking people whom you arbitrarily decide you don't like.
You are so incredibly delusional right now, stop and think about the stuff you're posting, because the only person I see damaging your career is you.

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aren't the only person advocating for the end of rape culture, or homelessness.
You're just an idiot looking for attention.
Go to the FBI, with your witnesses, and have them call me. My number's on my blog. I'd be happy to talk to them.
Go to the FBI, with your witnesses, and have them call me. My number's on my blog. I'd be happy to talk to them.

MATT: First you ask
me to consent to an interview in BRII, and then immediately lie about me and
the work I have done for 40 years. IF you really can read and ID time dates,
you will notice that my Profile on LinkedIn was posted long before you arrived
at the Homeless/Housing discussion with your plea -- and then demand -- for us
to buy tapes of BR. So, how could I possibly "be a presence on the
internet" only AFTER you appeared/commented on the Housing discussion?
I have an "alleged" doctoral dissertation? All you have to do is find it on the well as the two published books that I have authored. I don't think you are stupid, but this kind of remark makes one think about how you lie so easily. One doesn't lie about writing a doctoral dissertation, Matt. It is a registered document with the UofMI, which prints dissertations. It is available in libraries all over the world. Only YOU can't find any facts about what I have accomplished? Too bad; you might learn something about what it takes to "help" homeless people. You rate yourself as a homeless advocate equal to those who have daily assisted the homeless with full meals, a place to sleep, and social services for many years.
But, of course, people think you are Jesus (your comment a couple of days ago).
A lot of people have saved this thread, Matt. And the fact that you have copied it and intend to use it to defame others in a film is right up your alley. You don't "get along well" with anyone! It seems you started on Reddit, moved on to LinkedIn, and then FB, but I'm sure there are other places where you defame people. Now you are banned from Reddit and LinkedIn, your FB page is gone, and your BR YouTube is on and off, but just plain TERRIBLE. I forced myself to watch them. All I saw were your feet as you walked the streets at night, pointing your camera "jerkily" around and blah-blahing about how people don't give you money and don't respect you. There are hundreds of very good docs about "street people," and they are on HBO and the DOC channels. Yours couldn't even stand on its own on YouTube.
I HAD to put up this blog because I found you on the internet calling me a liar and my self-sufficiency farming communities "concentration and internment camps that create indentured servitude!" They create their own businesses and opt for some co-op commerce for making even more money for themselves. I don't get a dime from anyone.
You also might look up the "60 Minutes" segment in which I appeared in 1992 called "Lost in Bel Air." Forty undetectable homeless women showed up for the interviews by CBS invitation, and several were on TV with me, telling how they lived right in the Beverly Hills-Malibu area. Did I make those up as well? My credentials were listed by Leslie Stahl. Is she a liar also?
The best thing you could do in your present life is apologize to me, take down those lying, defamatory blogs, and pray that I don't have to face you in court. All I need to do is to present the facts and your blogs. And THEN, we'll get around to why you are receiving SSD funds every month when others who can't hike for miles carrying tons of heavy equipment can't get SSD. You won't even need a physical exam; your BR YouTubes show you are healthier than too many others who really do need SSD. You have changed your story about 3 times about why you are "disabled." Which one is the truth...or none at all? IF it's for being mentally ill, then you do need to be institutionalized, for your actions speak volumes about how you harass, defame, and destroy others' lives.
I have an "alleged" doctoral dissertation? All you have to do is find it on the well as the two published books that I have authored. I don't think you are stupid, but this kind of remark makes one think about how you lie so easily. One doesn't lie about writing a doctoral dissertation, Matt. It is a registered document with the UofMI, which prints dissertations. It is available in libraries all over the world. Only YOU can't find any facts about what I have accomplished? Too bad; you might learn something about what it takes to "help" homeless people. You rate yourself as a homeless advocate equal to those who have daily assisted the homeless with full meals, a place to sleep, and social services for many years.
But, of course, people think you are Jesus (your comment a couple of days ago).
A lot of people have saved this thread, Matt. And the fact that you have copied it and intend to use it to defame others in a film is right up your alley. You don't "get along well" with anyone! It seems you started on Reddit, moved on to LinkedIn, and then FB, but I'm sure there are other places where you defame people. Now you are banned from Reddit and LinkedIn, your FB page is gone, and your BR YouTube is on and off, but just plain TERRIBLE. I forced myself to watch them. All I saw were your feet as you walked the streets at night, pointing your camera "jerkily" around and blah-blahing about how people don't give you money and don't respect you. There are hundreds of very good docs about "street people," and they are on HBO and the DOC channels. Yours couldn't even stand on its own on YouTube.
I HAD to put up this blog because I found you on the internet calling me a liar and my self-sufficiency farming communities "concentration and internment camps that create indentured servitude!" They create their own businesses and opt for some co-op commerce for making even more money for themselves. I don't get a dime from anyone.
You also might look up the "60 Minutes" segment in which I appeared in 1992 called "Lost in Bel Air." Forty undetectable homeless women showed up for the interviews by CBS invitation, and several were on TV with me, telling how they lived right in the Beverly Hills-Malibu area. Did I make those up as well? My credentials were listed by Leslie Stahl. Is she a liar also?
The best thing you could do in your present life is apologize to me, take down those lying, defamatory blogs, and pray that I don't have to face you in court. All I need to do is to present the facts and your blogs. And THEN, we'll get around to why you are receiving SSD funds every month when others who can't hike for miles carrying tons of heavy equipment can't get SSD. You won't even need a physical exam; your BR YouTubes show you are healthier than too many others who really do need SSD. You have changed your story about 3 times about why you are "disabled." Which one is the truth...or none at all? IF it's for being mentally ill, then you do need to be institutionalized, for your actions speak volumes about how you harass, defame, and destroy others' lives.

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AGAIN: Your answer
above is one big lie! Every sentence is a lie. And it's all defamatory. I'll
find you and we'll see what a judge says about this obnoxious tirade against
me! YOU started this with nasty emails to me on LinkedIn, and you know it and
I've saved it all. So, if you want to argue that I started anything, you'd
better get the best lawyer to defend your lies.
I should "learn from YOUR work"? You aren't even credible! What have you been doing for 40 years except for harming people? You aren't an advocate for anything but your own personal lifestyle...which is abominable. Why didn't you get a job like everyone else? If you are so disabled, how have you been carrying those heavy bags around for hundreds of miles...without hands?
You are a waste of air, and contaminating it for everyone else. What GOOD have you ever done for anyone? A slice of pizza for a few people? Sure; you're homeless because you offend everyone, and that apparently goes for anyone who even lets you rent a room for a bit. You keep getting thrown out, and none of us has anything to do with that. It's all YOUR fault, and you don't even care. You just blame everyone else for your "yuk" existence. You've made me too angry now. And, you have made my new communities disband. I'll get you, you waste of space....
I can't wait for BRII. It will get you into an institution for the rest of your disgusting life.
I should "learn from YOUR work"? You aren't even credible! What have you been doing for 40 years except for harming people? You aren't an advocate for anything but your own personal lifestyle...which is abominable. Why didn't you get a job like everyone else? If you are so disabled, how have you been carrying those heavy bags around for hundreds of miles...without hands?
You are a waste of air, and contaminating it for everyone else. What GOOD have you ever done for anyone? A slice of pizza for a few people? Sure; you're homeless because you offend everyone, and that apparently goes for anyone who even lets you rent a room for a bit. You keep getting thrown out, and none of us has anything to do with that. It's all YOUR fault, and you don't even care. You just blame everyone else for your "yuk" existence. You've made me too angry now. And, you have made my new communities disband. I'll get you, you waste of space....
I can't wait for BRII. It will get you into an institution for the rest of your disgusting life.

MATT KANE: You bloody bastard!
I had barely forgotten about your existence for maybe half an hour, and I just received notice from the owner of the land of the first self-sufficiency community that he is compromised by one of your earlier blogs to me about "stopping the community...looking into his taxes, etc. etc." and is making the people move off of his land. YOU BLOODY BASTARD! I have worked for years to establish this model, and now, because of YOU, the people are packing up and moving back into their vehicles for a life back on the road. YOU BLOODY BASTARD!
I have no words left to describe how I feel about you. Until the day I die, which you've made "soon," I will hunt for you and talk about what you've done and put you into an institution for what will be the rest of your worthless life. YOU BLOODY BASTARD....
I had barely forgotten about your existence for maybe half an hour, and I just received notice from the owner of the land of the first self-sufficiency community that he is compromised by one of your earlier blogs to me about "stopping the community...looking into his taxes, etc. etc." and is making the people move off of his land. YOU BLOODY BASTARD! I have worked for years to establish this model, and now, because of YOU, the people are packing up and moving back into their vehicles for a life back on the road. YOU BLOODY BASTARD!
I have no words left to describe how I feel about you. Until the day I die, which you've made "soon," I will hunt for you and talk about what you've done and put you into an institution for what will be the rest of your worthless life. YOU BLOODY BASTARD....

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can prove you're an idiot:

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I had to get that translated, are you high? Because have to be

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and does this little bus person exist in your head? Or are they equally high?
and does this little bus person exist in your head? Or are they equally high?
Ayla RyanJune 19, 2013 at 1:06 PM